Saturday, April 25, 2015


Phobias aren't just everyday worries ,they are serious,
intense fears that sometimes interfere with day to day life.You can learn techniques on your own,and through self-help books to overcome phobia.  
Confront your Fears:Expose yourself to a frightening situation instead of avoiding it and allowing your fear to control you.
There are three common methods:                   Sudden exposure or "Flooding":You allow yourself to experience all your symptoms,no matter how bad they get.
Gradual Exposure:You gradually expose yourself to whatever you're afraid of such as going into grocery stores alone,or riding a bus or elevator.Thereafter,you
withdraw when your anxiety becomes excessive.
The Partnership Method:If you are afraid of walking alone,you can ask a trusted person to walk a certain distance ahead of you,and wait.After walking to meet her or him at the location,the individual will walk further ahead before you meet her or him again.This can lessen your anxiety very much.

Daily Mood Log:Write down the negative thoughts that make you feel anxious and replace them with realistic and positive thoughts.
The Cost-Benefit Analysis:Make a list of the advantages and disadvantages of worrying and avoiding whatever you fear.Weigh the advantages against the disadvantages.Make a second list of the advantages and disadvantages of confronting your fears.Contrast the advantages with the disadvantages.
Distraction:Distract yourself with intense mental activity,strenuous exercise,or by getting involved with your social networking sites. 
The Acceptance Paradox:When you feel anxious,you may make matters worse by insisting that you should not feel that way.One way to develop greater self-acceptance is to write out a dialogue with an imaginary hostile stranger who puts you down for feeling excessively anxious.The hostile stranger is simply a projection of your own self-criticism.                                 

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