Friday, April 24, 2015


 Improve Your Concentration.....

Concentration and memory work together,but one doesn't lead to the other.To concentrate is to direct your mental powers,or efforts,towards a particular activity,subject,or problem.Memory is the ability to remember information,experiences,and people.There are some simple tips to enhance both concentration and memory which can help one in any field. 
Fuel your Mind:If you skip breakfast,adrenaline will kick in and make you feel stressed.What's good for the body is good for the brain,so combine proteins with carbohydrates to stabilize blood sugars and drink plenty of water as dehydration impoverishes concentration. 
Organise your mind:Before you start work,make a list of everything you have to do and prioritise them so that you can empty your mind without fear that you'll forget something. 
Eliminate distractions:If you check emails while writing a report,your brain will not process the information from the short to the long-term memory.Close down your emails and your Twitter page and put your mobile phone on silent before focusing on a project. 
Take a break:A survey conducted by the University of Michigan asked a group of students to walk around an arbour and another around a city.The latter group scored significantly lower in concentration tests.If you have a local park,take a stroll in it.
Learn to meditate:Only ten minutes meditation a day can reduce stress,channel concentration,specify your path,and brighten your outlook.

A boy asks his father,"Dad,are bugs good to eat?"
"That's disgusting.Don't talk about things like that over dinner,"the dad replies.
After dinner the father asks,"Now,son,what did you want to ask me?"
"Nothing Dad,"the boy says."There was a bug in your soup,but now it's gone."  


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