Saturday, April 25, 2015


Health Impact of coffee:beneficial or detrimental?:

There is nobody in this big world who has never
tried coffee.Well,the health impact of coffee has long been a controversial topic,but the latest wave of scientific evidence brings a piece of good news for coffee lovers.

Potent source of healthful antioxidants:Coffee shows more antioxidant activity than green tea and cocoa,two antioxidant superstars.Scientists have identified nearly 1000 antioxidants in unprocessed coffee beans,and hundreds more develop during the roasting process.
Caffeine provides a short-term memory boost:When a group of volunteers received a dose of 100 mg of caffeine,about as much contained in a single cup of coffee,the researchers found that the memory skills and reaction times of the caffeinated volunteers were also improved when compared to the control group who didn't receive any drink. 
The potential health benefits of drinking coffee are exiting news,but it doesn't mean more is better.For some people,coffee can cause irritability,nervousness or anxiety in high doses,and it can also impact sleep quality and cause insomnia.Caffeine affects every person differently,so if you experience any negative side effects,consider cutting your coffee consumption accordingly. 

White icy plant..

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