Thursday, April 23, 2015


Anxiety of public speaking is the most common of all phobias.It is a form of performance anxiety in which a person becomes very concerned that he or she will look visibly anxious,may be even have a panic attack while speaking.There are some simple tips by applying which one can overcome this particular fear.
Realize the source of your fear:Your fear is not that you don't know your topic.It is that you don't know what will happen when  you step to the podium or table.Remember that people in the audience really want you to succeed.If you are coming from an authentic place,and you cover the material with clarity,you have won a 3/4 of your inner battle with fear.
Prepare your speech:Make a detailed outline and break it into basic points to memorize.Associate each part of the outline into a "room" in your house.Your first point is your entry room.The second point is your kitchen/living room,etc.Associate each sub point with pictures on the wall.
Practice your Speech:Buy some recording software,and record everything on your laptop or desktop.Review it to see where you can improve.  
Breathe deeply:Practicing a breathing exercise before you going on will relax your body and mind.Slow your breathing until you can count to 6 seconds of in-breath and 6 seconds of out-breath.You'll now go on in a totally relaxed and confident mood.
Relax: Relaxing is the art of letting go.There are many ways to let go.You can imagine you are made of rubber.Or you can sit in front of a mirror.Letting go makes you more relaxed.
Don't overthink the audience's reactions:When you are on stage or speaking in public,calm your mind.What the audience think does not matter.If there really is something that you know you are doing wrong,fix it as quickly as possible.   

A teenage girl had been talking on the phone for about half an hour,and then she hung up.
"Wow!,"said her father,"That was short.You usually talk for two hours.What happened?"
"Wrong number," replied the girl.

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