Wednesday, April 22, 2015


If you are like most people,some days are just too good to be,and some days seen extremely unhappy.That feeling of something missing,that feeling of the occasional unexplainable sadness is, what we call depression.Depression,however,can require medical attention in a severe level.But it is normal to have small amounts of sadness or depression.If you don't feel sad in a sad situation,you are probably not processing healthy emotion,so you can let it go.But most of the times what happens with us is not that severe 'depression' which needs medication.There are some tips that will give you some ideas to help transform the type of mild depression into simple feelings you can work through and release.
Be happy:Studies have shown that when choose to redirect your attention to the positive,your serotonin levels increase.Meditation has been shown to increase dopamine levels,and feelings of happiness also alter serotonin levels in your brain.High serotonin levels are associated with better mood.
 Get outside more:Sunshine,light exposure and working outside can increase your productivity,happiness,and health.Other research is showing that bright light exposure may be a way to help increase serotonin levels and lessen depressive symptoms.Bright light therapy is especially effective in pregnant women.
Taking Exercise:Exercise is extremely good at improving depressive symptoms and increasing mood.Some forward thinking agencies are even prescribing exercise instead of antidepressants,because the risk-benefit ratio is poor for antidepressant use in patients with mild depression.

 Husband(watching a video):Don't do it!I swear you are going to regret it for the rest of your life.You idiot!Don't say yes.No!No!Nooo!Aw dang,he actually did it!
Wife:Honey,why are you so mad?What are you watching?
Husband:Our wedding ceremony.
Teacher:Why are you late,jony?
jony:Because of the road sign.
Teacher:What sign?
Jony:The one that says,"School Ahead,Go Slow." 

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