Monday, April 27, 2015




Simplest positive change you can make to effectively improve your health through walking. Research has shown that the benefits of walking and moderate physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day can help your health magically.

It deflects diabetes:New research links brisk walking to a significant risk reduction for developing 
type 2 diabetes.But a British study found that people with a  family history of the disease who walked briskly,on a routine basis,improved insulin sensitivity.  
It helps you beat breast cancer:Women who walk regularly after being diagnosed with breast cancer have a 40 percent greater chance of survival than those who are inactive,according to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
Srolling reduces stroke risk:Walking briskly about 30 minutes,five days a week can significantly lower your risk of suffering a stroke,according to University of South Carolina researchers.
It can help fade fibromyalgia pain:This chronic condition affects more than 4 percent of the population,
and often involves pain,fatigue and brain fog.A small study of 18 weeks found that in women 32 to 70 years old,those who walked 60 minutes were less tired and depressed.
It can save your mind:At the 4 year follow up few researchers found that those who expended the most energy walking had a 27 percent lower risk of developing dementia than the people who expended the least.This could be the result of physical activity's role in increasing blood flow to the brain. 

A couple drove several miles from a country road without saying any word.
An early discussion had led to an argument.As they passed a barnyard of pigs,the wife sarcastically asked,
"relatives of yours?"
"Yep,"the husband replied,"In laws."  

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