Tuesday, April 21, 2015


 Making your life meaningful.

Life is nothing but a gift of God.But we often fail to utilize the opportunities that life has given us.That's why it is important to feel that what we're doing has a real purpose and it can make a huge difference in our life.But how can we cultivate a more meaningful life?It can depend on many factors.Some tips are given that will help you find meaning in your life everyday.
tips to get a meaningful life.
Discover Your Life's Goal:
If you had to give yourself a reason to live,what would it be?What would you stand for?What principles do you hold highest?Is it to inspire others with great works of art?you can easily discover your life's goal.Finding your life's purpose is a frightening task,but it is important to do so.

Know What's Important for You:
Write down your top five things that you believe are the essence of how you want to live life.These can include things like" family time","sing everyday."

Be Self-Aware:
Be aware of yourself and your actions.Remain mindful of what you do at all times,and make sure you are living life to your principles.Review your actions each day,taking stock of those that strayed from your path.Work towards correcting any incidents in the future.Meditation is a great tool to perform this task.It helps us increase our self-awareness throughout the day.

Find a Way to Give Back: 
By giving something back to the world,we inevitably find purpose in the act.Do something that honours your beliefs and passions.

Simplify Your Life:
By simplifying your life,you'll get more time to do what fulfills your dream of life.It can also help reduce stress and make your life happier.

Set Daily Goals:
In the morning, before you start your day,create a list of three goals that you find meaningful.Be sure,they adhere to your set of principles and beliefs.Tackle the hardest things first!Don't make this list too long otherwise you will be bored.
Doing all of these at a time may seem daunting,but you can try one thing at a time and slowly incorporate the ideas into your life. 

 Gardening is the best way to enhance mind.

Woman:Is this my train?
Station Master:No mam,it belongs to the Railway Company. 
Woman:Don't try to be funny.I mean to ask if i can take this train to South Carolina.
Station master: No mam,I'm sorry to say it's too heavy.

Teacher:Tell me a sentence that starts with an "I".
Student:I is the........
Teacher:Stop!Never put 'is' after an "I".Always put 'am' after an "I".
Student:Ok.I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.

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